borgo vertical experience

Il Casale della Nonna is situated in panoramic position in the most ancient borgo of Maiori: it is reacheable afoot only or even with the help of the nice donkeys that you can always meet during the run.
Climbing to the Casale is very characteristic: 336 steps dug in the rock among the lemon gardens.
If you read the recension our guests, you will discover that all have used them as USEFUL EXERCISE
to digest the good amalfitan kitchen and to KEEP FIT!!
The CASTLE Of THORO Plano was a fortitude built in the IX century as shelter for the population
against the raids of the longobardis and the Saracens.
The WALK IN VERTICAL to climb on the mountain is a run that fascinates the lovers of the trekking
but it is also easily practicable from the less trained.

Ci sono davvero 336 gradini?!?!? Non preoccupatevi...non ci si stanca...:-)

La Madonna

Metropolitana? Nooo...Ciucciopolitana!